Sparkfund In the News

Volts Podcast: Should we put utilities in charge of distributed energy?
In this episode, [David Roberts] speaks with Pier LaFarge, CEO of Sparkfund, who challenges the traditional antagonism between utilities and distributed energy advocates. While investor-owned utilities have long been seen as obstacles to clean energy adoption, LaFarge argues that they're actually essential to scaling DERs in an era of explosive electricity demand.

Catalyst Podcast: Making DERs work for load growth
In this episode, Shayle talks to Pier, co-founder and CEO of Sparkfund. (Energy Impact Partners, where Shayle is a partner, invests in Sparkfund). DERs can come online much faster than large, centralized generation, Pier argues. He makes the case that utilities are especially well-positioned to lead what he calls “distributed capacity procurement” (DCP) of customer-sited solar, storage, and other assets.

Latitude Media: Can distributed energy answer AI's power problem?
AI load growth is likely to be a turning point for utility-owned distributed energy, argues Sparkfund CEO Pier LaFarge.

Axios Generate Newsletter: Quote of the Day
"Energy history has changed more in the last 18 months than the last 30 years."
— SparkFund CEO Pier LaFarge, in Latitude Media's AI-Energy Nexus newsletter, speaking about electricity demand growth

Steel For Fuel: A chicken in every pot, a battery in every garage?
Andy Lubershane of Energy Impact Partners highlights Sparkfund's DCP in his popular newsletter.

PV Magazine: The U.S. economy needs VPP 2.0, utilities deliver
Pier LaFarge discusses how virtual power plants can play an essential role in meeting rising electricity demand, but to do so, utilities must bring them into the heart of their planning and rapidly take it to grid scale.

Utility Dive: Distributed capacity procurement: A new model for utilities to deploy DERs at scale
The record-setting surge in PJM capacity pricing spotlights the reality that we have been unable to build new capacity resources fast enough.

FACTOR THIS: Going inside utilities to scale DERs
Episode 81 of the Factor This! podcast features Sparkfund CEO Pier LaFarge, who is partnering with some of the largest utilities to deploy hundreds of DERs on their behalf. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Data Center Dynamics: To power the AI revolution, data centers must partner with utilities in new ways
Pier LaFarge dives into how working with utilities can benefit capacity and sustainability needs.