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Prepare for the Growth Ahead 

With Sparkfund's DCP Readiness 

Unlock the full potential of distributed energy resources (DERs) with Sparkfund's DCP Readiness. Learn how we help utilities deploy DERs at scale, optimize grid investments, and enhance flexibility in grid management.

Get the foundational support you need to successfully launch a tailored version of a DCP model.

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Lay the Foundation for DCP

Get the support needed to successfully launch a tailored version of the DCP.

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Market Development

Accelerate DCP in new markets with Sparkfund's DCP Market Development Services. We cultivate organizational champions, engage stakeholders, and advocate for building-grid integration. Our tailored strategies unlock opportunities, seamlessly integrating the DCP model to harness DERs efficiently in target markets.


Proof of Concept

Kickstart a strong distributed energy strategy with Sparkfund's DCP Proof of Concept. Our tailored, smaller-scale deployment allows for the experience of a full DCP program with minimal risk. Our end-to-end service includes utility partnerships, vendor ecosystem development, and streamlined deployment, delivering tangible results such as grid growth, efficiency, and hardening. 

Stakeholder Engagement and Planning

Stakeholder Engagement and Planning

Unlock the full potential of DCP with Sparkfund's DCP Readiness Services. Our comprehensive approach aligns internal stakeholders, navigates regulatory landscapes, and leverages cutting-edge data analytics to transform grid planning while preparing to launch a full-scale DCP. 

DCP Readiness delivers crucial internal and regulatory stakeholder engagement and workstream support to:

  • Promote communication, evaluation, and alignment around a powerful new tool for utilities.
  • Meet the challenge of incoming demand, accelerate load growth, and reach affordability, reliability, clean energy, and community commitments.
  • Provide regulatory communication support and strategy, constructively engaging commissioners and staff around utility-led DER deployment.
  • Leverage data analytics to model system impact, prepare for building-level load curve and feeder impact analysis, and a roadmap for operational execution. 

How it Works

Our two-phased approach leverages our decade-plus experience as a utility services provider to ensure a seamless and efficient launch.

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Discovery Sprint

An eight-week sprint to assess the internal feasibility of DCP by engaging critical stakeholders across system planning, procurement, external affairs, trade ally management, regulatory, and other stakeholders.

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Approval Roadmap

A six-month engagement begins with a Discovery Sprint and delivers additional external intelligence and tooling to fully prepare for DCP approval. This includes the socialization of DCP benefits with key external stakeholders, workforce analysis, and the deployment of software tools to expedite and automate the execution of a DCP.

Why Choose Sparkfund?

Asset 1@2x

Energy Landscape Expertise:

Leverage our experience collaborating with utilities in deployment services across the value chain to ensure a seamless and efficient DCP launch.

Proven Track Record:

Our programs have successfully deployed close to $500M of energy systems across more than 3,500 projects in 46 states, delivering significant cost savings and reliability improvements for utilities and their customers, with project sizes ranging from 25kW to 20MW. Discover our DCP model in action.

Team Cohesion:

After Readiness, the same team will launch your DCP model, providing the services needed for scaled deployment: host engagement, value chain management, data and analytics support, administration, and safety and compliance services. Our approach helps build on the context and strategic understanding developed during the Readiness phase, shortening the timeline for distributed assets to contribute meaningfully to the grid.

Are you ready to unlock grid value?